The ThreadLift procedure is a non-surgical facelift technique that is performed on patients that want to look younger with a more lifted appearance of the entire face to include the neck and brow region, without the need for surgery.


The procedure uses very thin and flexible sutures to lift sagging areas of the face to include the cheeks, eyebrows and forehead region, and the neck. The threads are placed just beneath the surface of the skin and are then used to pull the sagging tissue to a lifted and more youthful position. Allowing patients to look younger and lifted.


The sutures are then left in place to provide the necessary support for the lifted areas of the face to remain in place. As the body produces new collagen, the sutures are further supported and held in place more permanently as the collagen and fibers grow around the threads.

Areas of the Face that can be Lifted with a PDO Threads


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Mid-face and Cheeks

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Frequently Asked Questions

Am I a Good Candidate for a PDO Thread lift?

For men and women who are over the age of 30, in general good health, and are looking for an immediate way to achieve the results of a facelift without the need for surgery or an incision, the PDO Thread lift might be a great choice.


As we age, our skin and underlying tissues lose their elasticity and begin to droop down and sag. For those men and women who are just starting to see themselves in the mirror and recognize the sagging skin, the PDO Thread lift may be a good choice to help reverse the effects of aging. This is also a great procedure for previous patients who may have had a facelift procedure over 10 years ago and want to restore some of that lifting.

What are the benefits of a PDO Thread lift?

Immediate Results

A Lifted and More Youthful Appearance

Non-Surgical Face lifting Approach

Shorter Surgery / Procedure Time Frame

Shorter Recovery Time