Emsella urinary incontinence treatment

Previously, patients were referred to a physical therapist or surgical intervention was required for urinary incontinence, often with unsatisfactory results. The revolutionary Emsella Chair is an FDA approved medical device, offering patients a non-surgical, non-invasive treatment for incontinence, with no downtime.

Emsella technology uses electromagnetic waves to stimulate over 11,000 supra-maximal (intense) pelvic muscle contractions in a comfortable, half-hour treatment to strengthen the pelvic floor muscles and help regain bladder control.

Types of urinary incontinence

Urinary incontinence, uncontrolled bladder leakage or urination urgency affects many women and men. With age, the severity and prevalence of urinary incontinence increases. Incontinence can be caused by ageing, hysterectomy surgery, pregnancy, childbirth, or significant weight changes.

There are three main types of urinary incontinence – stress, urge, and overflow incontinence. Patients may experience one type or mixed.


Stress incontinence

Light bladder leakage or stress incontinence, occurs when pressure is put on the bladder, resulting in uncontrolled urine leakage. Coughing, laughing, sneezing or jumping can cause urine leakage due to increased pressure on the bladder. Involuntary loss of bladder control can be the cause of embarrassment, leading to the restriction or avoidance of enjoyable activities.


Urge incontinence

Intense or sudden urge to urinate, followed by involuntary loss of bladder control are symptoms of urge incontinence. The need to frequently go the toilet, and know where the nearest toilet is at all times often hinders the variety and choice of enjoyable daily activities. Patients typically suffer from disrupted sleep due to the need to frequently wake and go to the toilet during the night.


Overflow incontinence

When the bladder does not empty completely, uncontrolled dribbling of urine can occur. This is referred to as overflow incontinence.

Frequently Asked Questions

What’s the benefits of treating urinary incontinence with emsella chair?
  • The Emsella Chair is FDA approved for the treatment of urinary incontinence
  • Patients remain fully clothed
  • No pain
  • Treats the entire pelvic floor
  • Delivers over 11,000 pelvic contractions per session (28 minutes)
  • No downtime or recovery after treatment
How many treatments will I need?

Two treatments per week for three weeks is the recommended treatment protocol.

When will I see/ feel results?

Many patients feel a benefit from the first treatment, however each patient is different. Results continue to improve over the three weeks of treatment.

Am I suitable for Emsella treatment?

Men and women suffering from urinary incontinence can consider Emsella treatment, however your eligibility for treatment and medical history will need to be assessed. Patients with certain metal implants or a heart pacemaker device, may not be suitable for treatment. To have your eligibility for Emsella treatment confirmed, book a consultation.